Sulla vita e l’opera di Stanislao Pointeau: “Uno dei più vecchi propugnatori del risorgimento artistico” in Italia



Storia dell’arte  [154] Nuova Serie 2 | Luglio – Dicembre 2020

Michele Amedei

Sulla vita e l’opera di Stanislao Pointeau: “Uno dei più vecchi propugnatori del risorgimento artistico” in Italia

The article sheds new light on Stanislao Pointeau, a painter linked to the group of Tuscan Macchiaioli, who was born in Florence in 1833 to a French father and Florentine mother and died in Pisa in 1907. The research is based on the analysis of Pointeau’s works and documents preserved by his descendants, most of which have never been published. The aim of the article is, on the one hand, to integrate what has been done on Pointeau by scholars such as, among others, Carlo Del Bravo, the first scholar to take an interest in the painter, in 1979. On the other hand, the article aims to deepen our understanding of the relations between the Tuscan and the transalpine art world in the light of Pointeau’s role as a mediator between the Florentine community and the protagonists of contemporary French art in Italy, including Edgar Degas and, in particular, Marcellin Desboutin.

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