“An Anomaly in Algardis’ oeuvre”: Orfeo Boselli e la cappella Patrizi in S. Maria Maggiore Adriano Amendola


Storia dell’arte n. 158 – Nuova Serie 2 | 2022

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Adriano Amendola

“An Anomaly in Algardis’ oeuvre”: Orfeo Boselli e la cappella Patrizi in S. Maria Maggiore

The accounts kept in the Millini fonds of the Serlupi Crescenzi Archive have allowed the author to redefine the stages of the construction of the Patrizi chapel in the basilica of St. Maria Maggiore. At the same time, it was possible to ascribe the two portraits of Costanzo and Patrizio Patrizi, previously attributed by critics to an anonymous sculptor and to Alessandro Algardi, to the hand of Orfeo Boselli. This rediscovery makes it possible to add two important pieces to the autonomous production of the Roman sculptor, known essentially for his work as a restorer of antique sculptures. In addition, the ­author proposes to identify a bust made by Orfeo Boselli in a private collection, already erroneously identified as an effigy of Paolo Giordano II Orsini, as a portrait of Torquato Alessandri, a friend of Boselli’s who is depicted in his mature age and in old-fashioned clothes to honour his military career.

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