Dalí y el canibalismo: el método ablativo (1932-1936)



Storia dell’Arte 140,  Gennaio – Aprile 2015

Iván Moure Pazos

Dalí y el canibalismo: el método ablativo (1932-1936)

This article tries to highlight the importance of cannibal theme in Dali’s first works, between 1932 and 1936. Framed within what Juan Antonio Ramirez has denominated as dissident surrealism or not Bretonnian surrealism, Dalí explores a new iconographic path, firmly bataillean, which addresses anthropophagy as a key theme of his early works. It was, then, a taboo subject, but was called to have great future survival in many authors of the later surrealist movement, especially in the works of Oscar Dominguez and André Masson.

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