Le Congrès d’Histoire de l’Art del 1921 nella storia dell’arte francese e italiana



Storia dell’arte  [154] Nuova Serie 2 | Luglio – Dicembre 2020

Elisa Coletta

Le Congrès d’Histoire de l’Art del 1921 nella storia dell’arte francese e italiana

The article focuses on the art history congress that was held in Paris in the Autumn of 1921. In addition to describing the structure and the protagonists attending the conference, the text seeks to understand the value it assumed within the history of French and Italian art.
Through the analysis of the context in which the candidacy of France took shape and the examination of the contributions presented by the Italian delegation, we will focus on the function that the organization itself and participation in the congress played in the history of the discipline of art history in both countries. A comparison with other congresses from roughly the same period will also shed light on the significance of the congress in the history of CIHA.

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