More early Paintings by Jusepe de Ribera.



Storia dell’arte  [26] | Gennaio – Aprile 1976

Craig Felton

More early Paintings by Jusepe de Ribera.

Unfolding as if by the deliberate intentions of a mystery story plot, the early career of Jusepe de Ribera is gradually becoming better understood as more paintings attributable to these early years are brought to our attention. After the first public presentation and recognition of the Sense of Taste (Hartford, The Wadsworth Atheneum) and the Sense of Touch (Fullerton, The Norton Simon Foundation) in the 1971 Caravaggio and His Followers exhibition held at the Cleveland Museum of Art, a third member of this early series, the Sense of Sight (Mexico City, Franz Mayer Collection, Museo de San Carlos) was recognized. Five additional paintings now accessible permit further evaluation of this artist who too long has been given only token acknowledgement by all except the most interested students of seventeenth century painting.

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