Guercino oltre il colore. Indagini conoscitive


Storia dell’arte n. 157 – Nuova Serie | 2022
Numero dedicato a “Guercino nel Casino Ludovisi 1621 – 1623” a cura di Daniele Benati, Barbara Ghelfi, Raffaella Morselli

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Chiara Matteucci, Martina Cataldo, Gaia Tarantola, Pascal Cotte, Salvatore Andrea Apicella, Fabio Bevilacqua

Guercino oltre il colore. Indagini conoscitive


The wall paintings made by Guercino in the Casino Ludovisi, represent a fundamental piece for the knowledge of his style and a significant reference for the study of his painting technique in the field of wall decoration. In the fall of 2019, the Laboratorio diagnostico of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna conducted a series of technical-scientific analysis on Aurora and Fame with Honor and Virtue painted by Guercino for the ­Ludovisi in 1621, in collaboration with Lumière Technology and with the support of Rutgers University. The initiative took place within the institutional project of the University of Bologna, entitled Guercino: beyond the color that, started by the Laboratorio diagnostico in March 2017, was created with the aim of characterizing the artist’s pictorial technique and tracing its evolution through the application of a defined kit of repeated technical tests on almost all the paintings under investigation. Such tests include videomicroscopic techniques, multispectral imaging, non-invasive portable chemical analysis and stratigraphic sections spectroscopic analysis.