La collezione Ludovisi come “Scuola del mondo”. Il ruolo di Agucchi, Marino, Valesio, Guercino e Domenichino


Storia dell’arte n. 157 – Nuova Serie | 2022
Numero dedicato a “Guercino nel Casino Ludovisi 1621 – 1623” a cura di Daniele Benati, Barbara Ghelfi, Raffaella Morselli

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Caterina Volpi

La collezione Ludovisi come “Scuola del mondo”. Il ruolo di Agucchi, Marino, Valesio, Guercino e Domenichino


The study of the inventories and the reconstruction of the display of the Ludovisi collection allows us to identify an accurate direction behind the construction of the palace and the collections, commissioned by Ludovico Ludovisi starting from his transfer to Rome in 1621, and carried out with the help of an entourage fed by councillors, secretaries, house masters, over the next two years. The Ludovisi villa, with its frescoes and collections, soon took shape as an aesthetic, political and cultural manifesto of extraordinary importance in the Rome of the early 1620s, thanks also to the collaboration of intellectuals and poets called by the Pope and the cardinal nephew to participate at  the Accademia del Quirinale, founded in the same 1621. The essay tries to reconstruct the interactions of artists such as Guercino, Domenichino and Valesio, with poets – Marino, Preti, Cesarini – under the skilful direction of the secretary Giovan Battista Agucchi; an attempt is also made to evaluate the influence of the works contained in the villa on the contemporary art scene considering the accessibility and attendance of the casino and the building in the years ranging from the third to the fourth decade of the century.