L’allestimento delle collezioni nella villa pinciana: spazi, criteri, funzioni


Storia dell’arte n. 157 – Nuova Serie | 2022
Numero dedicato a “Guercino nel Casino Ludovisi 1621 – 1623” a cura di Daniele Benati, Barbara Ghelfi, Raffaella Morselli

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Laura Bartoni

L’allestimento delle collezioni nella villa pinciana: spazi, criteri, funzioni

In the seventeenth-century Rome, the villa Ludovisi at Porta Pinciana was an extraordinary place within the city walls for many reasons: stunning masterpieces of ancient Roman sculpture, Renaissance and Baroque paintings, rare and precious furnishings and objects of a wide variety of materials. The essay aims to analyze this ensemble now lost through the re-examination of documents and sources, investigating some specific issues of the display of art: planning, relationship between functions and display, the principles of the display and mobility. The villa thus stands out, in the broader context of the Ludovisi system of properties, as a magnificent expression of the image of Cardinal Ludovico, his passions, the cultural interests of his circle, his personal and political alliances in the crucial years for the transformation of the seventeenth-century visual culture and for the definition of patterns of display in cardinals’ villas.